Short Films, Theater Plays, Visual Art…”, AND Be a Catalyst for Change!
We welcome artistic submissions in Arabic, Moroccan dialect, Amazigh, French, or English.
FESTY-PEERs is more than just a festival, it’s a vibrant movement that empowers youth by merging
creativity with education. Join us in crafting a brighter future and making a meaningful impact on
sexual and reproductive health. Are you ready to dive deeper?
Are you a passionate young artist? We invite you to share your artistic masterpiece, that delve into themes of empowerment and social change. This is your opportunity to showcase your creativity and make a meaningful impact!
Dive into the festival program and explore a vibrant array of thrilling events!
Whether you’re an artist, filmmaker, or enthusiastic supporter, FESTY-PEERs invites you to join us on this inspiring journey. Together, let’s harness the power of art and education to make a meaningful impact on sexual and reproductive health!